Mattress for a hospital bed, also known as the medical or therapeutic mattress is usually six inches thick and found in both in-home and clinical settings for the support and comfort of the patients. If you intend to get an innerspring hospital mattress for your loved one, you should research the product before getting one.
There is a string of options when it comes to foam hospital bed mattresses, therefore, some useful advice could help you in choosing a Hospital bed mattress that suits your needs.
Types of Hospital Bed Mattresses:
Innerspring hospital mattresses are the most economical choice. They are made of evenly distributed inter-mattress coils that make it either soft or rather firm.
Foam hospital mattresses are lighter in weight as compared to innerspring but are also economical. They do absorb shock from motion.
Low air loss hospital mattresses are suitable for low mobility patients with bedsores. They reduce skin moisture by reducing pressure on the weight-bearing areas.
Alternating pressure hospital mattresses come with a benefit of the air mattress while aiding in circulation.
Also Read: 5 Solid Tips – Choose The Right Mattress Covers To Protect Your Hospital Mattress
Features to Consider When Buying Hospital Bed Mattresses
Need for Cleaning:
Hospital mattress waterproof comes with anti-microbial seams and covers which is a must for both the patient and the caregiver’s health.
Patient Size:
Hospital mattresses come in an array of lengths for accommodating patients of various lengths. Always choose the mattress that is longer than the patient is.
Mattress Life:
You may want to look for a mattress that the patients can use for a long-term, as in case of cognitive or chronic conditions. Or, you would simply want a mattress that can accommodate different patients for a period of recovery from injury or illness. In cases, cost and mattress life is something worthy of consideration.
Also Read: How to Buy the Best Fitted Mattress Cover for Hospital Beds
Other factors to consider while choosing a mattress are how mobile is the patient and how many hours in a day he/she will spend in bed.